The idea for roasting the turkey upside down was the result of a family Thanksgiving dinner gone wrong!

Recipe for disaster
Set your oven to 300° F (too low)

Add in
4 hungry men (with juvenile tendencies)
A turkey with a pop-up timer
Letting those men near the oven..

The end result was “one” of those men pulled out the timer because the turkey was brown and looked done. As my Mom carved into the leg, blood ran onto the cutting board, and she started to cry. I hugged her and told her not to worry. I checked the breasts for doneness, cut them off, and threw the rest away. The comments other than “where’s the dark meat”, were, that was the “juiciest” turkey ever!

Thus, the realization that the breast meat was cooked well before the dark meat.
Now the challenge, to figure a way to keep the breast meat moist while the rest of the turkey finished cooking.

We have taken this idea of flipping to a new dimension with the design of our innovative Flipper / Basket mode product. The product is made with food grade steel, and dishwasher safe!  The unit enables you to roast a variety of foods- Turkeys, Rotisserie Chickens, Whole heads of Cauliflowers, Hams, Prime Ribs, Pot roasts, and even bacon!

We knew this was a COOL idea and wanted to patent the design.  Well…3 years later, we NOW HAVE A PATENT!

For those technically savvy ones, check out our patent- US9,820,608